Asian Brides — Meet Asian Mail Order Brides

by | Oct 1, 2024

Asian Bride

If you’re looking for Asian mail order brides, this place is exactly what you need—here, you’ll find thousands of real ladies from this region. They usually speak English wel enough to build a relationshipl, they are excited to meet a foreign man, and they make great long-term partners. That’s not all—here, you’ll also find a lot of useful facts and interesting information about Asian brides, about how to meet them, and about how much it costs to date them.

3 Best Asian Dating & Mail Order Bride Sites

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What are Asian women like?

That’s the most popular region in the world regarding international dating and mail brides. Asian wives are extremely popular, and some even say they are 100% perfect for any man—but it’s not true, of course. They are different: a lot of men will love dating them while for some, getting an Asian bride is probably not the best idea. 

  • Asian women for marriage are the trad wives many men dream about. Confucianism, patriarchal societies, historical and cultural factors—there are lots of reasons why they have pretty old-fashioned views on gender roles and family values.
  • They are strong and independent. Most Asian countries are harsh places to live and if you’re not a strong person, you won’t succeed there. That’s why today’s Asian ladies are definitely not weak or passive.
  • At the same time, they are very respectful and calm. This is another important cultural value in Asia—it doesn’t matter whether it’s Southeast Asian countries or China/Korea/Japan, local women are taught to be respectful and polite towards other people.
  • They are very loyal to their partners. In most Asian cultures, loyalty is considered one of the main virtues of a woman, along with patience, femininity, and devotion.
  • However, there might be some negative character traits, too. Some say Asian ladies are sometimes too loud and jealous, some say they are too controlling, the others say they’re too straightforward it might even feel rude (China). At the same time, women from Japan and Korea value indirect communication and ambiguity so much it’s hard to understand their real feelings!

There are lots of advantages, of course, but dating them also means overcoming some challenges and dealing with some of their cultural nuances. That’s why it’s very important to weigh up all the advantages and disadvantages before you start searching for a bride from Asia.

Top 3 countries from the Asian region for finding a bride

Technically, there are 48 countries in Asia. Obviously, not all of them are perfect for international dating—in fact, we recommend to focus on 10-15 countries if you’re looking for a bride.

But there are 3 top countries you may pay special attention to. Here they are:

Filipino woman

1. Philippines

The Philippines is the most popular country in the world for those who’d like to find an Asian wife. Local women are well known for being extremely loyal to their significant others, they are incredibly respectful to their family members and guests, and they are very family-centered, which is not surprising—they have very strong family ties in the Philippines. Filipino women are pretty religious and conservative, they make great stay at home wives, and they are incredibly warm and kind: all these traits make them a perfect option for a long-term relationship.

Japanese woman

2. Japan

Japanese women are not like other Asian ladies. They are not too conservative and family-centered, they are more independent, educated, and hard-working than other Asian ladies, and they are generally pretty similar to American women when it comes to their views on gender roles, family-career balance, and so on. But at the same time, they’re different. Thus, they are very polite with their men, they are very cute and feminine, and incredibly caring. 

But don’t expect them to be always honest and easy to understand—it’s not just about the language barrier, it’s also their traditional concept of “Wa” which means hiding a true personality in order to keep “social harmony”. But it’s not like this concept is absolutely impossible to understand for a foreigner, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

Chinese woman

3. China

Another popular country for those seeking an Asian mail order bride is China—and Chinese women are different from other Asians, too. They are not as sensual and passionate as, say, Southeast Asians, but at the same time, one can’t call them reserved or cold. They are not as “cute” and playful as women from Korea or Japan, and they don’t play games—in fact, Chinese ladies are brutally honest and straightforward, and that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. On the other hand, they have all those traditional “Asian things” we love these women for: they have traditional values, they are family-centered, they are loyal, and of course, they are very feminine.

How to impress women from this region?

The best dating advice would be “be yourself”, “be honest”, and “be respectful”—that’s how it works in any part of the world and Asia is not an exception. Every woman is unique and special, and generalizations are never 100% true, let’s be honest.

However, if we’re being 100% honest, we should also mention that there are at least 3 special rules that can improve your chances with Asian women.

Here are these rules:

  • Pay special attention to their family. In most Asian countries, they have very strong family ties and it’s very important that the parents of your bride like you and approve of your relationship. Bring them gifts, be extra polite, read about their etiquette and pay special attention to small cultural nuances (like bowing and staying in that position for at least 5 seconds in Japan).
  • Be humble, calm, and polite. These three traits are incredibly common among Asian women so it makes sense that to impress them, you need to be respectful and polite, too. Don’t try to look too masculine or overly confident—this will probably scare them off.
  • But don’t be too shy. Make the first move, take the lead, take the initiative—Asian women can be pretty passive in a romantic relationship and they often expect a man to take the lead. Plan the dates, guide your girlfriend, initiate first contact and dates, set goals, but remember that “leading” and “controlling” are different things.

If you feel equipped and ready for the interaction with online brides, you should know the quickest and most effective ways to meet them. Scroll down a bit and find out how to find and use online services or start offline dating.

Where & how to meet Asian brides?

There are two main options: online dating and offline dating. We believe that the first one is the best one, but it’s up to you to choose—continue reading and decide for yourself!

Mail order Asian bride services

These are specialized dating platforms where you can find Asian wife. These sites are very similar to all those non-international dating sites you’ve probably used before—they have a few communication tools, profiles with photos and additional information, search filters, favorite lists, etc. However, there are also some differences: thus, mail bride sites are never 100% free to use and they usually have better safety against scammers and have various ID verification tools. 

Offline dating

It’s exactly what you think—you buy a ticket to Tokyo, Beijing, or Manila, book a hotel room, and start approaching local women in bars, nightclubs, malls, parks, etc. This is the most expensive option on this list and it’s also the one with the lowest chances of finding a real bride—but it’s still quite popular. Why? Well, there are good and bad sides.

How much does it cost to get a Asian mail order bride?

You do not “buy” a bride, of course. But still, you’ll have to pay for quite a lot of things: online dating, your trip to Asia, the K-1 visa, and the wedding. Let’s see how much it costs.

As for online dating, let’s take SakuraDate as an example (it has a credit system just like the majority of Asian dating apps today). Most men spend around 600 minutes per month chatting, some men spend less time chatting but send emails (another common pattern is 450 minutes of live chat and 10 emails per month). Here’s a simple table for you:

Features you use:

  • 600 minutes of chat – $240
  • 450 minutes of chat and 10 emails – $220

After that, you’ll need to meet your bride in her country and here, the price depends on the country you’ve chosen. 

  • Thus, countries like Laos, Indonesia, and Thailand are pretty cheap (up to $500 for 1 week).
  • At the same time, countries like Japan and Korea are much more expensive (up to $2,500 for 1 week). 
  • China and the Philippines are in the middle of the list—a 1-week trip to these countries will cost you around $1,000. 
  • A flight to Asia would cost around $1,000.

You will also need to pay for a visa and for the wedding. How much does it cost?

  • The K-1 visa costs $2,500.
  • The average wedding cost in the US is $35,000 (or $304 per guest). 
  • It’s even higher in China ($45,600) while Japan is more affordable in this regard (around $20,000).
  • Southeast Asian countries are much more affordable than that (around $5,000 in the Philippines, $11,400 in Vietnam, and so on).

If you’re looking for the most affordable country, you should focus on Southeast Asia—getting a Filipino bride will cost you around $7,000 (including the wedding). Vietnam and Thailand are slightly more expensive ($8,000-$10,000) while East Asian countries are definitely not for those who want to save money—for example, you’ll need to pay around $50,000 for a Chinese bride. However, this is only the case if you’re going to have a fancy wedding party—without it, it would only cost around $10,000. 

What makes Asian girls look for husbands abroad?

Why do thousands of Asian girls become mail brides? What makes them search for a foreign husband? Here are the answers.

  • They want to be treated with respect. In most Asian countries, men are still not aware of this concept—a lot of them believe that a woman must be submissive and obedient, not an equal partner.
  • They want to find a loyal husband. Due to the patriarchal nature of most Asian societies, male cheating is considered socially acceptable there, and lots of women are not ok with that.
  • They want to live in a better country. Most Asian countries are not that rich and developed compared to the US, especially when we’re talking about Southeast Asia.
  • They want to escape social pressure. It’s either the pressure to get married (like in China) or that constant competition in every aspect (like in Korea).

Common myths about Asian brides

If it’s not the first guide you read about getting an Asian woman for marriage, you’re probably familiar with some of those stereotypes. But do you know they are not 100% true? Let’s be more detailed.

“They are obedient”

This stereotype was true not that long ago. Even in the 90s, Asian women (especially the ones from the South and Southeast) were very shy and passive due to the social norms and traditional values in these countries.

But they are not anymore. They’re still calm and polite, they still treat men with respect, but if you expect them to be submissive, that’s not how it works anymore.

“They are gold diggers”

The harsh truth here is that there are gold diggers in any country in the world. Obviously, if country A has much more mail order brides than country B, there will be more gold diggers in the first country even if that country has the same number of gold diggers per capita. 

So, are there gold diggers in Asia? Yes, there are some of them. But does it mean that most mail brides are like that? No. The absolute majority of them don’t care about your financial wellness and simply want to find a caring and loyal partner.

“There are no real brides, only scammers”

Again, this might be true—but only if you choose a scam dating site. The sites with a good reputation, like SakuraDate, are either 100% scam-free or very close to it. On the other hand, if you’re going to use a free dating app without ID verification, your chances of meeting a scammer will be pretty high.

“They are racist”

No, they are not. Previous generations in some Asian countries were pretty xenophobic and these generations are still here so it’s possible to find the echoes of that xenophobia in today’s Asian societies. But modern women from this region are not like that—they’re open-minded, tolerant, and unbiased.

Don’t believe those myths. Yes, there are lots of cultural differences and these women are not like American women, but they are definitely not gold-diggers, they are not racists, and they are obedient anymore.

Do you still have questions?

It’s not that difficult to find Asian bride, you see—you just need to choose a good dating app and join it (or go to Asia and approach local women there, it’s up to you). Just bear in mind what you’ve just read and remember that these ladies are not that different, actually: just like Western ladies, they want to find a respectful, caring, loving, and loyal man. If you still have questions about them, scroll down and read our FAQ section—we’ll provide even more useful information there.


1. Are Asian mail order brides legal?

Yes. If your relationship is real and “bona fide”, you can marry an Asian bride and bring her to the United States—thousands of men bring their Asian brides to the US every single year so it’s definitely not impossible or illegal.

2. Is it possible to find real Asian wives online?

Yes! But you need to find a trusted dating platform first. If you make the wrong choice, you’ll probably waste your time and money, but if you choose a reputable and legit mail order bride website, you’ll meet thousands of real Asian women there. 

3. Are Asian mail order brides solely motivated by financial reasons?

No, they are not. However, you need to understand that Asian ladies are pretty pragmatic and realistic, so they want their future husband to be financially stable. This doesn’t mean they need your money, of course—they just want to make sure that you’ll be able to provide for the family. 

Charlie Belanger
Education: Master’s in Media, Culture, and Communication, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Experience: Journalist (2012-2016), Public relations assistant (2016-2018), Communication specialist (2018-present)

Charlie is the lead author and head of our content team. He’s an experienced professional who has been working with different media companies for 12 years—first as a journalist, and now, as a lead communication specialist. Charlie is also very experienced at international dating: he spent 2 years finding a foreign partner, and in 2017, he finally found Dalisay, a Filipino mail order bride—they’re married and happy, and they raise two beautiful daughters. Charlie is a very experienced professional in online dating, and especially in international online dating: he knows a lot about the industry, about how these sites work, and about how one should use them to succeed.
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