Slavic Brides — Meet Slavic Mail Order Brides

by | Sep 17, 2024

Meet Slavic Mail Order Bride

If you want to find a bride from a Slavic country, here’s a guide:

  • Choose the girl you like
  • Click on her photo
  • Create a profile 
  • Start chatting with her 

See, it’s really that simple. However, if you want to understand them better, you just have to read our guide—we’ll explain the differences between Slavic girls, show how much it costs to meet them, and debunk some stereotypes. 

But first, here’s the list of the best Slavic dating websites!

3 Best Slavic Dating & Mail Order Bride Sites

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What are Slavic women like or why you should take Slavic women for a wife?

Some say that Slavic brides make great partners, the others say they are not that perfect. Where’s the truth? 

The truth is, there’s no such level of generalization we could use to say that these women are perfect for everyone—there are 180,000,000 of them, so it’s just impossible. The more real statement would be: they are different, and for some men, they will make perfect wives. Let’s be more detailed.

  • Most of these brides are in their late 20s (the average age is 27 years for Belarus and 31 years old for Ukraine and Poland)
  • An average Slavic bride has a university degree, speaks decent English (upper intermediate or advanced), and has no children (69% of them)
  • They are family-centered, with strong family ties, and committed to family values.
  • They can be quite traditional. Even in the Czech Republic which is the most “Western” Slavic country, 1/3 of men believe that a woman must automatically fulfill traditional roles like householding, what to say about more conservative countries of the region?
  • They are different—which is not surprising taking into account the historical context of the region. Czechs are generally more relaxed and Poles are louder and more passionate about everything they do, Czechs are less religious and Poland is one of the most religious countries in Europe, Ukrainians are more family-centered while Czech women tend to be much more “Westernized”, etc. 

But as we’ve just said, they’re not perfect—they might be jealous, they need a lot of attention, they are very straightforward, etc. So it’s very important to weigh all the pros and cons carefully before you start dating them.

Top 3 countries from the Slavic region for finding a bride

  • Ukraine—the #1 Slavic mail order bride country. Ukraine has one of the lowest average marital ages in Europe so it’s not surprising that brides from this country are younger than the mail order brides from other Slavic countries. Local women have very strong family ties, they have pretty old-fashioned views on family and gender roles, but at the same time, they are ambitious, strong, and educated. Ukraine has been the world’s mail order bride capital for decades, so local ladies are very open to the idea of building a relationship with someone from another country—just join any good mail bride site like SofiaDate and you’ll see thousands of real women from Ukraine there.
  • Poland—one of the most religious countries in Europe, with Westernized women who have traditional values (compared to Western ladies) combined with ambitions, intelligence, and pretty modern views on gender equality. They are naturally beautiful, calm, feminine, and very close to people from the US or the UK culturally, so the cultural barrier is not the thing you need to worry about with them. Contrary to popular belief, they are not “flashy” or too “high-maintenance”—in fact, Polish women are pretty modest and down to earth. Poland also has some of the highest English proficiency indexes in the world, so you don’t need to worry about the language barrier.
Czech Republic
  • Czech Republic. This country is not like other Slavic countries and Czech brides are not like other Slavic ladies. They’re slightly less emotional than other Slavs, they are not too loud, they are not that jealous, and they are definitely not drama queens. However, they’re also feminine, honest, kind, and they are as family-centered as other Slavs. Czech mail order brides are extremely well-educated (90% of them have a college/university degree) and very hard-working.

How to impress women from this region?

It’s very important to understand that these women are unique, different, and there are no 100% working rules for dating them. However, there are several specific dating tips you can use to increase your chances with Slavic girls.

Here they are:

  • Be respectful. For most of them, the main reason why they become mail order brides is lack of respect from local men—the idea of treating women respectfully is just not that common in patriarchal societies, unfortunately. You need to show respect to stand out from the local competitors and it’s not just about being respectful towards her culture, it’s also about compromising and valuing her feelings, giving her space, supporting her interests, etc. 
  • Don’t offer to split the bill. Even in the West Slavic countries like Slovakia or the Czech Republic, most of these girls still expect a man to pay for the date. If you offer to go Dutch, they won’t say anything about it, but you’ll most likely lose a few points.
  • Offer serious intentions (if you have them, of course). We don’t want to say that there is no hookup culture in Slavic countries, it’s just not as common as in the West. And of course, the girls who create profiles on mail order bride websites are obviously interested in a serious relationship.
  • Be a good listener. Some of them are talkative, the others are not, but they all love it when a man can listen to them.

Simple? Yes. Though it is understandable if you are not the kind of person who would listen a lot or offer serious plans towards your future together with the woman. Still, it is possible to find the one and only no matter what features you have, and simply respecting the partner’s personal boundaries.

Where & how to meet Slavic brides?

You have 2 main options here: mail order bride/dating websites and offline dating. Let’s talk about these options.

Mail order bride sites

Here, we’re talking about websites like SofiaDate where women are looking for a serious relationship and dream of meeting a foreign man, not about apps like Tinder. What are the pros and cons of these sites?

Offline dating

Offline dating looks very simple on paper: you just go there, approach them, and find a bride.

What are the strong sides of this method?

  • First of all, it’s fun. You pay for a ticket and go to a completely new country, go to nightclubs and bars, talk to local women, probably sleep with them, and generally have a great time. 
  • Second, it’s easier to understand if there’s a chemistry between you when you meet people offline. 
  • And third, you can be sure she’s a real girl, not a scammer who’s using a fake profile. 

What about the disadvantages? 

  • Well, it’s expensive. A 2-week trip to Poland will cost you around $2,500 which is 25 times more than spending 2 weeks on a dating site. 
  • And it’s also not working. Yes, as we’ve said, you’ll probably have a great time there, but this has nothing to do with finding a bride. Finding a traditional, family-centered, and marriage-minded girl in a Slavic nightclub is almost impossible, it’s just not where they spend nights. 
  • And even if you’re not going to visit nightclubs, the chances are still very low. First, you’ll need to meet a girl who would have great English skills. Second, she must be single and open to a relationship. And third, she must be open to a relationship with a foreigner. What is the probability of this particular combination? You probably know the answer.

So if you ask us, we stand for online dating. The chances of meeting a real bride are higher, the dating pool is incredibly large, and it’s also much more convenient than going to Poland or Ukraine, so for us, the choice is clear.

P.S. According to some people our teams interviewed on dating sites, Poles and Ukrainians are more tolerant and friendly to foreigners than Czechs. But you don’t need to worry about it because it’s more a regional thing than a national thing—they have a lot of tourists in Prague and being a popular tourist destination leads to a higher rent, inflated prices, crowds, and all that, so it’s not surprising. Ask Poles from the center of Krakow or Ukrainians from the center of Lviv what they think about the tourists during the high season and they may be even less friendly, but that has nothing to do with international dating.

How much does it cost to get a Slavic mail order bride?

So, first of all, you do not “buy them”. You chat with them, meet them, propose, marry, wait for the K-1 visa, and bring your bride to the United States. But you’ll actually need to pay for most of those things, from online dating to the wedding.

How much does it cost?

First, online dating. The best Slavic brides dating site right now is SofiaDate and it also has a pretty popular “credit” system, so let’s use it as an example. 

From our experience, men usually spend around 450 minutes per month chatting with the girls and send around 10 emails. How much would this cost?

1 credit

1 minute of chat

1 email

1 month (450 minutes+10 emails)





Now, a 1-week trip to a Slavic country. Here’s how much you’ll pay for a trip to the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia.

Czech Republic Poland Slovakia
Tickets $500 $500 $700
Hotel $450 $350 $450
Food, transportation $350 $300 $350
Dates, gifts $300 $300 $300
Total $1,600 $1,450 $1,800

If you want to take your Slavic bride to the US, she’ll need to apply for the K-1 visa. For the visa, you’ll pay around $1,100 at first, and when it’s approved, you’ll need to pay $1,440 for the Adjustment of Status. So it’s $2,550 in total, but it’s not a one-time payment.

And as for the wedding, well, according to Forbes, it costs $33,000 to get married in the United States while in Poland, it’s around $16,000. We’re talking about expensive weddings here, with more than 50 guests, live band, a videographer, and a reception venue that costs $6,000-$12,000 (in the US). If you’re going to have a modest, simple wedding, the cost will be reduced to $10,000 or even $5,000.

So, if you choose Slovakia, you’ll pay $4,600 for the visa, for 1 month of online dating, and for a 1-week trip to the country ($9,600 if you’re going to have a frugal wedding). For Poland, the total cost is slightly lower ($4,200 or $9,200 for the whole package). But in general, getting a Slavic bride costs around $4,300 (no wedding).

What makes Slavic girls look for husbands abroad?

  • They want to rely on a loyal man. A lot of these girls simply can’t find a 100% loyal and faithful man in their country so they believe they’ll find him in the US.
  • They want a man who would respect them. Most Slavic countries are pretty patriarchal and conservative, so men don’t always respect women here (and women don’t like it, clearly).
  • They love American culture. Slavic countries are very Westernized and local women speak English, love American culture, and dream of living in the US.
  • They want to get a better life. Not all Slavic countries are poor, but the quality of life is still lower there than that in the US.

Common myths about Slavic brides

Let’s talk about some stereotypes you’ve probably heard about these women. 

“They only need your money”

No, they are not. According to our experience, the probability of meeting a gold digger in Ukraine isn’t higher than in any other country. 

“There are no real Slavic mail order brides”

There are lots of them, you just need to choose a legit dating platform. Websites like SofiaDate have thousands or even tens of thousands of real brides from this country, so it’s 100% possible to find a soulmate there.

“They are reserved and cold”

This is partially true and only for women from West Slavic countries like the Czech Republic—but once you get to know them better, they’ll become incredibly warm and loving. Eastern Slavs, in turn, are just not reserved at all. They’re open-minded, friendly, approachable, and very caring.

“They all are the same”

In short, they are not. Czech ladies are, for example, more focused on education—according to a survey, 89% of Czech women think that “their greatest ambition is to be an educated person” while in Poland, it’s only 60%. According to that survey, Polish women are more old-fashioned regarding how important it is to have a child (92% of them think that having a child will make their life meaningful while it’s only 68% for Czech women). On the other hand, Czech women are much more optimistic about having 2 or more children and this is very well illustrated by the total fertility rates in these countries—it’s 1.68 births per woman in Czechia and only 1.26 in Poland.

Do you still have questions?

Slavic girls are different, but they are definitely worth dating. Family-centered, sweet, feminine, but incredibly hard-working, intelligent, and ambitious at the same time—these women have that perfect balance between being strong and womanly.

Still have questions about these girls? Continue reading then. We’re going to answer all the most common questions about them right here. 


1. Are Slavic mail order brides legal?

Yes. You can bring your Slavic wife to the US on a CR-1 visa, or you can propose to her and bring your bride to the US on a K-1 visa. There are no legal limitations regarding brides from Slavic countries, so if your relationship is genuine, your Slavic soulmate will be able to enter the US.

2. Is it possible to find real Slavic wives online?

Yes, thousands of American men find Slavic wives online every year. You just need a good dating app like SofiaDate—with real women, a good reputation, a strong anti-scam system, and a lot of success stories. It’s not the only legit Slavic dating site, of course, but it’s the #1 platform right now.

3. Are Slavic mail order brides solely motivated by financial reasons?

No, they are not motivated by financial reasons. Some gold-diggers might look for a rich guy, yes, but every country in the world has them, it’s not just Slavic countries. What we can say with confidence is that most Slavic brides are genuinely interested in finding a loving and respectful foreign man.

4. How do language barriers impact mail order bride relationship with Slavic women?

They don’t, actually. Finding a Slavic bride with low language skills is almost impossible, they all have at least an Intermediate level of English. However, you’ll probably need to wait for some time for your bride to become a fluent English speaker.

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