Thai Bride

Thai Brides — Meet Thai Mail Order Brides

by | Oct 3, 2024

Getting a Thailand mail order wife is easy: choose the girls right here on this site, click on them, and start chatting in 2 minutes. Or, read this guide—in 5 minutes you’ll be well-armed with useful information about them, which will make your Thai dating journey much more pleasant and less stressful.

3 Best Thai Dating & Mail Order Bride Sites

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What are Thai women like?

They might be good for some, they might be not that good for some, that’s how it works with every nation and Thai ladies are not an exception. Here are the top 5 facts you have to know about them.

  • They are agreeable. But this doesn’t mean they agree with you 100% of the time. Hiding negative emotions is a common trait for many Thai women as it is for East Asian ladies—if your Thai bride doesn’t like something you did, she will most likely not say anything about it. In Thai culture, there’s the factor of “face” which affects the way they interact with each other, and criticizing or having an argument are the things that make a person lose “face”.Obviously, this can lead to misunderstanding and hidden issues that can hurt your relationship.
  • However, they are really very calm, it’s not something they imitate. They have that “mai pen Rai” thing which can be translated as “nevermind”—it’s about “letting problems go”, it’s a very important part of their mindset, it’s probably one of the main reasons why they’re so positive and calm.
  • They can be jealous. Western men often don’t understand how the relationship culture works in Thailand so they, for example, look at girls passing by or flirt with other ladies even when they’re in an exclusive relationship. These things are a huge red flag and a big no-no for Thai girls.
  • They are incredibly family-centered. Even today, Thai women are taught that the role of a woman is to give love and warmth to her husband, to practice forgiveness, and to support other family members.
  • They are positive and optimistic. And it’s a cultural thing, too. Thus, in Thai culture, they have the concept of sanuk—which, in simple terms, means that life should be fun and positive emotions are very important. 

Our recommendation is to weigh up all the pros and all the cons carefully before you start dating them. For example, if you don’t want to play games and want your bride to express emotions openly, Thai women are probably not the best choice. And vice versa, if you’re ok with them being slightly mysterious, calm, optimistic, and traditional—you just can’t miss Thai girls. 

How to impress women from this country

You can’t buy a Thai mail order bride—to marry a woman from this country, you’ll have to attract her and impress her first. These women are unique and different, but we believe there are some rules that would work for the majority of them. 

  • No PDA, please. Thai wives often complain that Western men start hugging or kissing them on the streets while even holding hands is not 100% socially acceptable in this country. 
  • Pay attention to their etiquette. It’s not only about dating etiquette, it’s about all those small things like pointing your finger at someone or something, putting your feet onto the desk, touching their hair, etc. Of course, your Thai gf won’t dump you immediately if you point your finger at her, but you don’t want to look like an uneducated foreign tourist, right?
  • Do not try to “buy” them or flex with money. Thai women do not want to feel like they’re dating a rich sex tourist, and you’ll only attract gold-diggers if you utilize this strategy. Show that you’re a gentle, caring, and respectful partner instead—that’s how you’ll attract the right ladies.

You know the tips, you can try using them! Let’s talk about meetings, both online and offline, and their pros and cons.

Where & how to meet Thai brides

You can get a Thailand girl for marriage on a dating site, offline, or via a bridal agency—these are the most popular options to choose from. Let’s talk about them.


International dating apps are very popular today and it’s easy to understand why: they are convenient and they have large dating pools. However, that’s not all—of course, there are always some disadvantages you need to be aware of and these platforms are not an exception.


Going to Thailand is always a great and fun idea. This country is perfect for tourists and you’ll never feel bored there even if you don’t actually find a Thai bride during your trip. And the chances of not finding a bride are very high, to be fair. 

Bride agencies

When you sign up in such an agency, you’ll get a Thai bride catalogue. Then, you’ll have to choose the girls you like most. In some agencies, they allow their clients to communicate with the brides before the meeting while in others, they don’t. These agencies are like premium travel assistants who will do everything for you, from booking a ticket to providing translation services during a date.

So, our choice here is clear: international dating sites, at least as a beginning or the first step. They’re easy to use, they have thousands of users, interested in building new relationships, and they are also much more affordable than any other option.

How much does it cost to get a Thai mail order bride?

You can’t buy a bride (Thailand), there are no Thai brides for sale, and that’s not how it works.

But you’ll have to pay anyway. Online dating, a trip to Thailand, visa, marriage—Thai women aren’t that rich so it’s probably you who will pay for all those things. 

How much is it?

Let’s say you’re going to use a website like SakuraDate. It’s legit, popular, and it has a very popular credit system, so it’s going to be a perfect example of the modern dating sites’ pricing policies.

  • The site has a credit system—you need credits to use live chat or send messages
  • 1 credit costs 20 cents 
  • 1 minute of live chat costs 2 credits or 40 cents
  • 1 email costs 20 credits or $4
  • Most men spend around 400-600 minutes per month chatting with the girls (it’s 13-20 minutes per day)
  • 400 minutes of live chat cost $160, 600 minutes of live chat cost $240
  • Those who chat less usually send around 20 emails per month which costs $80
  • So for most users, it’s between $150 and $250 per month

After that, it’s time to visit Thailand. A 2-week trip to this country will cost you $1,600-$2,000 ($1,000 for tickets, $600-$1,000 for the hotel room, food, transportation, and dates).

Then, the wedding. A low-cost wedding in the US will cost you $5,000-$15,000 while a wedding in Bangkok might cost you from $7,000 to $15,000. We don’t include dowry here because those can be $0 or much, much more than that, depending on the family of your bride.

And you’ll also need to pay for the visa—a K-1 visa costs $1,100 and the fiancee green card is $1,440.

So, the total price can vary from $4,500 (if there will be no wedding party, just a ROM (registration of marriage) to $17,500 if you’re going to have a fancy wedding party in Bangkok or in the US.


What makes Thai girls look for husbands abroad?

Sites like SakuraDate have more than 5,000 mail order Thai brides. Why do all these ladies want to change their lives?

  • Some of them think Western men are more handsome than local guys. Westerners think Asian women are cute, Asian women think Westerners are attractive, it’s a win-win situation.
  • Some Thai brides just want to live in a better country with better opportunities. Thailand is not the poorest country in the world, of course, but the US obviously has a better standard of education, greater security, better work opportunities, and so on.
  • A lot of them say they just want to be treated better in a relationship. Unfortunately, they still have a patriarchal society in Thailand and a lot of men don’t think they need to treat women respectfully.
  • Many Thai mail order brides say that men from the West have more serious intentions than local men. Which is, again, not surprising—because men on mail bride sites are more interested in a serious romantic relationship than the average Thai man. 

Sounds quite attractive, we suppose! And yet this is not what Thai singles “come with” to a new relationship. You also have to know and sometimes even deal with the myths that surround Thai dating community, and see which of them are true or not. That will help you to finally decide if Thailand is the country you want to seek love in.

Common myths about Thai brides

Wondering if Thai brides are really so easy and obedient as some people say? Or maybe you want to know if there are really lots of gold-diggers in Thailand? Continue reading and find out.

“They only need a green card/they are gold-diggers”

This is just not true at all! The vast majority of Thai ladies are looking for a husband who would treat them with respect, love them, and be loyal to them. You might meet a gold-digger there but the chances of meeting one are as high as, say, the chances of meeting a gold-digger in the US, in Poland, or in Colombia. 

“They are easy if you’re a Westerner”

This is true—but only regarding bar girls. They are paid to entertain foreigners in Thai night clubs, and it’s clear that these cases are not illustrative of all Thai ladies. In fact, Thai brides who have serious intentions are not that easy to impress, so don’t expect to score any additional points just because you’re from the US.

“They are obedient”

Well, Thai women are definitely more old-fashioned than Western girls, and this can be applied to lots of things. They are calmer, they are more polite, they are much less fierce and emotional, and they are more feminine. Their core cultural concepts are all about being modest, maintaining harmony, and hiding negative emotions. 

But does it mean they are actually obedient? Well, maybe. But if you expect them to be extremely shy all the time and agree with every statement, you’re going to be very disappointed.

“They don’t value personal space” 

Well, this one is partly true, actually. That’s not a Thai problem, that’s just how collectivist societies work—the concept of invading personal space is almost non-existent there. So yes, your Thai girlfriend might not respect your privacy or might ask too personal questions right away, and you’ll need to deal with that. But it’s not like it’s impossible to change them, of course—it’s just one of those cultural barriers which are totally possible to overcome with time and effort.

Just like all those cultural barriers, actually. Just be patient, communicate clearly, and don’t expect those stereotypes to be true—and you’ll have no problems with Thai brides, even though their culture is different.

Do you have more questions?

They are loyal, they are incredibly optimistic, they are traditional, and they love Western men. What’s more, getting a mail order bride (Thailand) is really not that hard—just choose a site, join it, and start chatting! Or, if you have any doubts/questions, scroll down to our FAQ section to find even more answers.


1. Is it possible to find real Thai wives online?

Yes. However, it’s only possible if you choose a legit platform with Thai women for marriage. In this case, you can expect to meet real women online, but be careful—there are too many fake dating apps where you will definitely lose money. 

2. Are Thai mail order brides solely motivated by financial reasons?

No. To be fair, financial reasons have completely no importance for them—no, they want to find a man who would be able to provide and of course, they would prefer a man with a stable job to a man without a job. But that’s all: they are not looking for billionaires, they don’t want to find a guy who would pay for everything or buy them expensive gifts, etc. They just want to feel secure.

3. How do language barriers impact mail order bride relationship with Thai women?

Thailand isn’t the best country regarding the English proficiency index, so one shouldn’t expect all the Thailand mail order brides to be fluent English speakers. However, they are not that bad—most of them are at least Intermediate-level English speakers and that’s usually enough at the beginning.

Charlie Belanger
Education: Master’s in Media, Culture, and Communication, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Experience: Journalist (2012-2016), Public relations assistant (2016-2018), Communication specialist (2018-present)

Charlie is the lead author and head of our content team. He’s an experienced professional who has been working with different media companies for 12 years—first as a journalist, and now, as a lead communication specialist. Charlie is also very experienced at international dating: he spent 2 years finding a foreign partner, and in 2017, he finally found Dalisay, a Filipino mail order bride—they’re married and happy, and they raise two beautiful daughters. Charlie is a very experienced professional in online dating, and especially in international online dating: he knows a lot about the industry, about how these sites work, and about how one should use them to succeed.
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